Membership Activities

The OECC is an association with a diverse network of member corporations and partners such as consulting firms, environmental monitoring and analysis companies, local governments, research institutes, as well as manufacturers of environmental facilities and equipment. Through this coalition, we facilitate cooperation on overseas environmental issues, associated research, and public relations activities. This allows us to contribute to the conservation of the global environment in this era of international co-interdependence and to the realization of a sustainable global society.OECC is an association with has diverse network of various member corporations and partners, such as consulting firmscompanies, environmental monitoring and analysis companies, local governments, research institutes, and other organizations who are engaged in environmental consultation, observation, measurement, and analysis, as well as in the manufacturers and sales of environmental conservation-related facilities and equipment. Through this network and coalition for cooperation on overseas environment, research, and PR activities, we aim to contribute to the conservation of the global environment in this era of international co-interdependence and to the realization of a sustainable society in the world.

Member List