Support in Formulation and Implementation of the Paris Agreement and NDCs

We support developing countries in establishing laws and systems to build a decarbonized society based on the principles agreed to in the Paris Agreement.

The Paris Agreement is an international treaty agreed upon as a universal climate change framework in which nations all over the world will participate. In order to achieve net-zero of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the second half of the century and to build societies resilient to negative impacts of climate change, governments in individual country are formulating and implementing “Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).”

Roles of the OECC

The OECC has been involved in many projects to support formulation and implementation of climate change mitigation plans in developing countries. For the central government and the local governments, we support in setting GHG emission reduction goals based on the Paris Agreement and NDCs, formulating mitigation measures to introduce decarbonization technologies, policy measures for achieving goals and strengthening capacities for the implementation.

Our Business

Support in Formulating Climate Change Action Plans and Legislation

The OECC participates in assisting developing countries in formulating and implementing their national laws and mitigation plans for the implementation of the Paris Agreement through JICA programs, the Ministry of Environment, Japan and other organizations. For example, in Vietnam, the OECC helped with legislation such as the 2020 Revised Law on Environmental Protection, the Decree on Mitigation of GHG Emission and Ozone Protection (06/2022/NĐ-CP) and other laws and regulations. Also in Bangkok, we have supported the formulation and implementation of the 2021-2030 Bangkok Metropolitan Administration Climate Change Master Plan 2021-2030.

Strengthening Capacity on the Progress Management of Mitigation Plans

Each country’s NDC includes GHG emission reduction measures in various fields such as energy, transportation, industry, waste, agriculture, forestry and fisheries. It is important to properly implement these measures and evaluate their progress through domestic administrative organizations, but for many developing countries, this is an area in which they may have little or no experience. Consequently, there is an urgent need to build institutions, systems and capacity. Japan has long had a system for tracking the implementation progress of the Kyoto Protocol Target Achievement Plan, and now a mechanism for tracking the progress of the Plan for Global Warming Countermeasures. Drawing on these experiences, the OECC is helping developing countries build systems for managing the implementation progress of their mitigation plans.
Evaluation method for measuring progress in the waste sector in the FY2021 Progress of the Global Warming Prevention Plan (Global Warming Prevention Headquarters, the Cabinet of Japan).

Evaluation method for measuring progress in the waste sector in the FY2021 Progress of the Global Warming Prevention Plan (Global Warming Prevention Headquarters, the Cabinet of Japan).

Research for Individual Countries’ NDCs

We conduct research on NDCs, related laws and regulations of JCM partner countries mainly in Asia and the Caucasus region. We then share the resulting information on the Carbon Market Express and JPRSI websites. This information is compiled and disseminated so that domestic companies considering JCM implementation can understand the climate policies of the partner countries and plan projects smoothly, including contributing to achieving the Paris Agreement goals.

Projects we were engaged in:

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