COP27 Special Contents

COP27 Special Contents

  • COP27 Photo Report has been updated as the highlight of second week. (18 November, 2022)
  • COP27 Photo Report has been updated as the highlight of first week. (12 November, 2022)
  • COP27 Photo Report has started. (7 November 2022)
  • “COP27 Special Contents” has been started. (28 October 2022)

▼ List of OECC side events for COP27

▼ COP27 Photo Report

▼ Reference Website

List of OECC side events for COP27, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, 6 November – 18 November 2022

OECC organizes several side events at COP27 jointly with Governments, international organizations, and partner organizations. Through these events, OECC disseminates updates on its efforts toward the development of a decarbonization and climate-resilient society, with a view to contributing to the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.

OECC researchers will participate in these events as a speaker or a moderator.

Events are organized at the COP venue as well as via online system. You are cordially invited to participate in our side events. Information about events will be updated from time to time. Also, some of them will be recorded and on-demand video will be uploaded on this website later.

1st Week
8 November (Tue)
Japan Pavilion / 10:30-12:00 (17:30-19:00 JST)

Promoting and expanding implementation of the JCM

  • Organizers:

Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan (MOEJ)
Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)

9 November (Wed)
Thailand Pavilion / 10:30-12:00 (17:30-19:00 JST)

Toward Net Zero Emission in Bangkok

  • Organizers:

Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment / Department of Environmental Quality Promotion,
Government of Thailand (DEQP)
Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)

Japan Pavilion / 15:00-16:30 (22:00-23:30 JST)

JICA’s climate change measures to achieve Paris Agreement goals

  • Organizer:

Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA)

10 November (Thu)
Japan Pavilion / 13:00-14:30 (20:00-21:30 JST)

HFCs Lifecycle Management Workshop under Q-CHAMP

  • Organizers:

Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan (MOEJ)
Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)

12 November (Sat)
Japan Pavilion / 10:30-12:00 (17:30-19:00 JST)

Private Sector on the Rise: Unlocking Business-to-Government Collaboration and Sustainability Reporting to enhance Corporate Efforts towards
Net Zero Emission in Southeast Asia

  • Organizers:

Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)

2nd Week
15 November (Tue)
Japan Pavilion / 10:30-12:00 (17:30-19:00 JST)

Shedding a light on GHG emission in supply chain in Asia
-Partnership to Strengthen Transparency for co-Innovation (PaSTI)-

  • Organizers:

Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan (MOEJ)
Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)

16 November (Wed)
Capacity Building Hub / 11:35-12:35 (18:35-19:35 JST)

Capacity building on effective engagement of different stakeholders
in NDC implementation -Experiences from Southeast Asia-

  • Organizers:

Paris Committee on Capacity-building (PCCB)
Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)

17 November (Thu)
Singapore Pavilion / 12:00-13:30 (19:00-20:30 JST)

Partnership to Strengthen Transparency for co-Innovation (PaSTI)
-JAIF Project on development and implementation of facility level
Measurement and Reporting of GHG emissions framework in ASEAN member states

    • Organizers:

Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, Government of Singapore (MSE)
Ministry of the Environment, Government of Japan (MOEJ)

  • Support:

National Environment Agency, Government of Singapore (NEA)
Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)

As of 5 January, 2023

COP27 Photo Report

Photos from the COP27, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
You can see more photos at our Google Photo.

Speakers at the side event on Promoting and expanding implementation of the JCM (MOEJ and OECC, 8 Nov)

Speakers at the side event on Toward Net Zero Emission in Bangkok (BMA, JICA, MNRE/DEQP and OECC, 9 Nov)

Discussion at side event on JICA’s climate change measures to achieve Paris Agreement goals (JICA, 9 Nov)

Speakers at the side event on HFCs Lifecycle Management Workshop under Q-CHAMP (MOEJ and OECC, 10 Nov)

Speakers at the side event on Private Sector on the Rise: Unlocking Business-to-Government Collaboration and Sustainability Reporting to enhance Corporate Efforts towards Net Zero Emission in Southeast Asia (JICA and OECC, 12 Nov)

Speakers at the side event on Shedding a light on GHG emission in supply chain in Asia
-Partnership to Strengthen Transparency for co-Innovation (PaSTI)- (MOEJ and OECC, 15 Nov)

Speakers at the side event on Capacity building on effective engagement of different stakeholders in NDC implementation -Experiences from Southeast Asia- (PCCB and OECC, 16 Nov)

H.E. Akihiro Nishimura, Minister of the Environment, Japan and H.E. Grace Fu, Minister of Sustainability and the Environment, Singapore at the side event on Partnership to Strengthen Transparency for co-Innovation (PaSTI) -JAIF Project on development and implementation of facility level Measurement and Reporting of GHG emissions framework in ASEAN member states (Organized by MSE and MOEJ, and supported by NEA and OECC, 17 Nov)

Google Photo [COP27-OECC]


[COP27 Official website]
[Japan Pavilion]
[Carbon Markets Express]
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