Message from the President

Dr. Kazu Takemoto

The Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center (OECC) was involved in international environment cooperation by extending Japan’s experience, technology and know-how on pollution control to developing countries at its initial phase in 1990s. However, OECC is currently engaged in a wide range of activities in the field of international environment and development cooperation to address global environmental challenges such as climate change, biodiversity and circular economy towards a sustainable future.

By making full use of our professional networks, OECC plays an important role in implementing national strategies on sustainable development through serving as the secretariat for the Japan Platform for Redesign: Sustainable Infrastructure (JPRSI) and the Initiative on Fluorocarbon Life Cycle Management (IFL).

OECC has also contributed to the preparation for the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Cities (SRC) in its seventh Assessment Report cycle (AR7). In fact, we supported in organizing the International Workshop on City Transformation, which was organized jointly by MOEJ and IIASA last February, and organized its 6th “Hashimoto Michio Memorial Symposium” to further develop discussions on climate change and cities last June. The outcome of these discussions has been shared with the international community.(Summary of the Symposium)

As the world has dynamically developed towards a de-carbonized and sustainable society in these days, OECC is committed to contributing to the national policy development through its research activities as a leading organization in the field of international environment and development cooperation.

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