
COP Side Event:
Effective ways to increase mitigation ambition for NDC
-Fluorocarbons Life Cycle Management in the cooling sector-

Event date 2024/11/13(Wed)
Target person Public

Short-lived climate pollutants (SLCP) have relatively short atmospheric lifetimes but trap heat more efficiently than CO2 making them potent climate forcers. Therefore, accelerating reduction of SLCP emissions, such as HFCs is one of ways to bring immediate effect of mitigation.
The 1st Global Stocktake in COP28 also recognized the importance of mitigation in non-CO2 GHG, attracting attention in the international society.

However, many developing countries have not yet included HFC reductions in NDC or hold challenges in implementation. Lifecycle refrigerant management, i.e., recovery, recycling, reclamation, and destruction of refrigerants, have been untouched yet, while cooling demand has rapidly increased in a massive scale, and lifecycle management will bring significant mitigation potentials.

Japan, CCAC, ADB, etc. established the Initiative on Fluorocarbons Life Cyle Management, to promote mitigation efforts of HFCs etc. Cooperation activities have been progress with success in developing legislation and institutional framework, inventory, as well as infrastructure. The experiences will be shared by experts of developing countries and international agencies.

Participants are invited to discuss how to maximize the opportunity to raise mitigation ambition in NDCs.

Event Details

Date/time November 13, 2024
14:00-15:15 (AZT time UTC+4) ,19:00-20:15 (Japan Standard Time UTC+9)
Venue Japan Pavillion
Organisers Ministry of the Environment, Japan (MOEJ)
Co-Organisers Climate and Clean Aia Coalition (CCAC) , Overseas Environmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)
Languages English


Contents Presentor Presentation
Opening remark Dr. Kazu Takemoto
President, Overseas Enviornmental Cooperation Center, Japan (OECC)
Recent updates and success stories of the IFL and the CCAC Cooling Hub Mr Makoto Kato
Head of the Secretariat, Initiative on Fluorocarbons Life Cycle Management (IFL)/Co-Lead, Cooling Hub, Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC)
Legislation  of life cycle refrigerant management in Vietnam Ms.Nguyen Dang Thu Cuc
National Ozon Unit, Department of Climate Change, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environemnt, Viet Nam
Development of HFC inventory in Indonesia Ms. Ratnasari Wargahadibrata
MRV Specialist, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Indonesia
MRV methodologies for carbon crediting mechanism Dr. Sinéad Crotty
Director, Carbon Containment Lab
Toward the use of the JCM in effefctive HFC reduction Dr. Virender Kumar Duggal
Principal Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank
Closing remark Ms. Mimi Nameki
Director of International Cooperation for Decarbonization and Sustainable Development Infrastructure, Ministry of the Environment, Japan 

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