International Negotiations

Support for Development of Global Discussions on Biodiversity

Biodiversity problems are becoming increasingly serious due to a number of factors including habitat loss caused by deforestation and other activities, disturbance of ecosystems by exotic species, overuse of biological resources by human economic activities and significant environmental changes caused by climate change. In addition to the extinction of valuable species, we must consider the impacts of economic losses due to the degradation of ecosystem services and also the losses of genetic resources, all of which make responding to this crisis a critical need.

Roles of the OECC

The OECC supports international negotiations such as the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBF Fund), and the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The OECC also participates in government delegations and provides specialist advice on the negotiations.

Our Business

Participation, Information Collection, and Provision of Advice at International Conferences

In November 2023, the OECC participated in the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group (CBD-WGDSI-01) on CBD-DSI (Digital Sequence Information) held in Geneva, Switzerland. In addition to information sharing at the conference, we provided advice on negotiation policies as a member of the Japanese government delegation and exchanged opinions with other country officials.
We also supported the Japanese government in gathering information not only on the Convention of Biological Diversity but also on the Global Biodiversity Framework Fund established under the Global Environment Facility.