COP26 Special Contents
COP26 Special Contents
- Links for Recording of the Event have been published in the List of OECC side events for COP26. (29 November, 2021)
- COP26 Photo Report is updated as the highlight of second half week. (15 November, 2021)
- COP26 Photo Report is updated as the highlight of first half week. (8 November, 2021)
- COP26 Photo Report started. (4 November, 2021)
- Presentation materials have been uploaded in the List of OECC side events for COP26. (27 October, 2021)
- “COP26 Special Contents” has been started. (27 October, 2021)
▼ List of OECC side events for COP26
List of OECC side events for COP26, Glasgow, England, 31 October – 12 November 2021
OECC organizes several side events at COP26 jointly with Governments, international organizations, and partner organizations. Through these events, OECC disseminates updates on its efforts toward the development of a decarbonization and climate-resilient society, with a view to contributing to the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals.
OECC staff members will participate in these events as a speaker or a moderator.
Events are organized at the COP venue as well as via online system. You are cordially invited to participate in our side events. Also, some of them will be recorded and on-demand video will be uploaded on this website later.
Date & Time | Venue | Title | Speakers from OECC |
1st Week | |||
3 November (Wed) | |||
UTC 3 Nov (Wed) 10:30-12:00 JST |
Japan Pavilion
Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) |
Mr. Jiro Ogahara (Senior Researcher) |
UTC 3 Nov (Wed) 13:00-14:30 JST |
Japan Pavilion
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) |
Mr. Makoto Kato (Principal Researcher) |
4 November (Thu) | |||
UTC 4 Nov (Thu) 13:00-14:30 JST |
Japan Pavilion
JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development |
Mr. Makoto Kato (Principal Researcher) |
UTC 4 Nov (Thu) 17:00-18:30 JST |
Japan Pavilion
Carbon Neutrality and the SDGs – A UNU Forum
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) |
Prof. Kazuhiko Takemoto (President) |
2nd Week | |||
8 November (Mon) | |||
UTC 8 Nov (Mon) 10:30-12:00 JST |
Japan Pavilion
Implementing the JCM and creating various benefits for stakeholders
Ministry of the Environment, Japan |
Mr. Makoto Kato (Principal Researcher) Mr. Wataru Tohze (Researcher) |
10 November (Wed) | |||
UTC 10 Nov (Wed) 16:45-18:00 JST |
Multimedia Studio 3 |
Sustainable and Efficient Cooling for a Warming Planet: Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions
Japan |
Mr. Makoto Kato (Principal Researcher) |
11 November (Thu) | |||
UTC 11 Nov (Thu) 10:30-12:00 JST |
Japan Pavilion
Ministry of the Environment, Japan |
Mr. Makoto Kato (Principal Researcher) |
12 November (Fri) | |||
UTC 12 Nov (Fri) 13:00-14:30 JST |
Japan Pavilion
Ministry of the Environment, Japan |
Prof. Kazuhiko Takemoto (President) |
As of 12 November, 2021 |
1st Week
3 November (Wed)
Date & Time |
UTC 3 Nov (Wed) 10:30-12:00 JST |
Venue |
Japan Pavilion |
Title |
Strengthened Resilience to Climate Change in the Pacific: From Capacity Building to Climate Investment
Pacific Climate Change Centre (PCCC) |
Speakers from OECC |
Mr. Jiro Ogahara (Senior Researcher) |
Date & Time |
UTC 3 Nov (Wed) 13:00-14:30 JST |
Venue |
Japan Pavilion |
Title |
Climate action under the Paris Agreement toward a decarbonized and climate resilient society in Southeast Asian Countries -Lessons learned from JICA’s Technical Cooperation in Indonesia, Thailand, and Viet Nam-
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) |
Speakers from OECC |
Mr. Makoto Kato (Principal Researcher) |
4 November (Thu)
Date & Time |
UTC 4 Nov (Thu) 13:00-14:30 JST |
Venue |
Japan Pavilion |
Title |
The challenging issues of Environment/Climate Change Institution and Policy under SDGs Regime – Case analysis of the climate change institution in Indonesia and Vietnam
JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute for Peace and Development |
Speakers from OECC |
Mr. Makoto Kato (Principal Researcher) |
Date & Time |
UTC 4 Nov (Thu) 17:00-18:30 JST |
Venue |
Japan Pavilion |
Title |
Carbon Neutrality and the SDGs – A UNU Forum
United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS) |
Speakers from OECC |
Prof. Kazuhiko Takemoto (President) |
2nd Week
8 November (Mon)
Date & Time |
UTC 8 Nov (Mon) 10:30-12:00 JST |
Venue |
Japan Pavilion |
Title |
Implementing the JCM and creating various benefits for stakeholders
Ministry of the Environment, Japan |
Speakers from OECC |
Mr. Makoto Kato (Principal Researcher) Mr. Wataru Tohze (Researcher) |
10 November (Wed)
Date & Time |
UTC 10 Nov (Wed) 16:45-18:00 JST |
Venue | Multimedia Studio 3 |
Title |
Sustainable and Efficient Cooling for a Warming Planet: Challenges, Opportunities and Solutions
Japan |
Speakers from OECC |
Mr. Makoto Kato (Principal Researcher) |
11 November (Thu)
Date & Time |
UTC 11 Nov (Thu) 10:30-12:00 JST |
Venue |
Japan Pavilion |
Title |
Building global supply chain on Green hydrogen to support the energy transition toward a decarbonized society
Ministry of the Environment, Japan |
Speakers from OECC |
Mr. Makoto Kato (Principal Researcher) |
12 November (Fri)
Date & Time |
UTC 12 Nov (Fri) 13:00-14:30 JST |
Venue |
Japan Pavilion |
Title |
Toward Strengthening Transparency activities by the private sectors -from the experience of the Partnership to Strengthen Transparency for co-Innovation(PaSTI) in Asia-
Ministry of the Environment, Japan |
Speakers from OECC |
Prof. Kazuhiko Takemoto (President) |
As of 12 November, 2021 |
COP26 Photo Report
Photos from the COP26, Glasgow, UK
You can see more photos at our Google Photo.

Opening remarks by H.E. Mr. Fatumanava-o-Upolu III Pa’olelei Luteru,
Permanent Representative of Samoa
at Pacific Islands event (PCCC and OECC, 3 Nov)

Speakers at the side event on JICA technical cooperation on climate change in Southeast Asia
(JICA and OECC, 3 Nov)

Q&A and Discussion at SDGs Regime event (JICA Ogata Sadako Research Institute and OECC, 4 Nov)

Dr. Akio Takemoto, facilitator at the side event on Carbon Neutrality and the SDGs (UNU and OECC, 4 Nov)

Speakers at the side event on Implementing the JCM and creating various benefits (MOEJ and OECC, 8 Nov)

Opening remarks by H.E. Mr. Yutaka Shoda, Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs, Ministry of the Environment, Japan at side event on Sustainable and Efficient Cooling for a Warming Planet (Japan、CCAC、IGSD、Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy and OECC, 10 Nov)

Discussion at side event on Building global supply chain on Green hydrogen (MOEJ and GEC, 11 Nov)

H.E. Yamaguchi Tsuyoshi, Minister of the Environment, Japan and H.E. Grace Fu, Minister of Sustainability and the Environment, Singapore at side event on Toward Strengthening Transparency activities by the private sectors (MOEJ and OECC, 12 Nov)
Reference Website
[Japan Pavilion]
[Carbon Markets Express]
- Current Discussion in UNFCCC and other international framework (Carbon Market Express website)
- Japan Pavilion Side Event (8 Nov, 10:30 – 12:00) (Carbon Market Express website)