Support for JICA

OECC supports JICA’s international cooperation in the field of environmental management and climate change and contributes to the promotion of sustainable development in developing countries.

The OECC contributes to Japan’s international cooperation in the field of Official Development Assistance (ODA) by providing support services for JICA’s environmental management and climate change initiatives (e.g. collection and organization of information, support for external dissemination of information, support for hosting various meetings, etc.). The OECC supports JICA’s activities with its broad network, expertise and know-how in building partnerships.

Roles of the OECC

The OECC has been engaged in various international cooperation activities in the fields of environmental management and climate change. Through these activities, we are building our capability, knowledge and experience in collecting and analyzing information in these fields, disseminating information and preparing presentation materials, hosting and managing domestic and international conferences. Utilizing the accumulated capabilities, knowledge, and know-hows, we support JICA in strengthening its ability to manage issues and to communicate externally in the fields of environmental management and climate change countermeasures.

Our Business

Support for strengthening capacities to manage issues and externally disseminate information in JICA’s Initiatives.

As urbanization and economic development rapidly progress in developing countries, issues of increased energy consumption and GHG emissions, as well as typical environmental issues such as air and water pollution, wastewater treatment and waste problems, are becoming evident. This has increased the importance and need for integrated solutions to these development challenges. In order to enhance its capacity to address these issues, JICA’s Global Environment Department is amassing knowledge and know-how, formulating strategies and guidelines as well as strengthening its communicating capacities through publication of project progress reports, holding international seminars, and publishing pamphlets.
The OECC supports the staff and experts of JICA’s Global Environment Department and related divisions to support these efforts by: (1) collecting and organizing information on environmental management and climate change countermeasures, (2) assisting in externally disseminating information, and (3) providing operational support for various meetings.

Support for Hosting International Seminars

JICA has established the JICA Global Agenda (20 cooperation strategies for global thematic issues) to tackle increasingly complex development challenges such as healthcare issues, conflicts, and climate change. As part of this Global Agenda, JICA launched a project called the JICA Clean City Initiative (JCCI) which is an effort to contribute to the realization of clean cities in urban areas of developing countries by promoting environmental measures, particularly in waste management and the prevention of water and air pollution. The JCCI international seminar is held every year, inviting staff and stakeholders from governments in partner countries, development aid organizations, Japanese local governments, ministries and agencies to exchange views. The OECC has been supporting this international seminar since its kick-off in January 2022, organizing the event by participating in its planning and operation.

Projects we were engaged in: